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Do you want to become an expert in procurement and supply processes?


Welcome to our download library! Here you will find a selection of exclusive resources such as white papers, one-pagers and other helpful documents. These materials offer valuable insights, expert knowledge and practical information on the latest developments and trends in your industry. Use our downloads to obtain comprehensive information and make informed decisions. Simply download and get started!

Onepager "Resource optimization in materials management "

Download our one-pager to find out how smart supply from neoalto is revolutionizing materials procurement in the healthcare sector. Find out how you can use automated processes to reduce costs, increase efficiency and make an important contribution to sustainability at the same time. Get valuable insights into the future of materials management now!


Whitepaper "The smart supply process"

Competitive prices alone are no longer enough to set you apart from the competition. With neoalto’s smart supply system, you can automate your sales processes, reduce process costs and strengthen customer loyalty. Download our whitepaper and discover the 7 key factors for successful scaling and long-term partnerships.

Whitepaper for suppliers of consumer goods

Case Study "Automatic Orders"

Find out in our case study how POS TUNING was able to reduce its process costs by 27% and improve the availability of goods by over 75% by using neoalto smart supply. Download the case study to discover how automated ordering processes increase efficiency and reduce manual effort. Use the findings of this practical example to optimize your own procurement management and make it future-proof!
